Saturday, April 16, 2011


I'm still running! I get out anytime I feel good enough to do so, and now, if a mile sounds like the most I can manage, I do a mile and I don't feel guilty about it! Most of my runs, however, are in the 2-4 mile range.

On Thursday, DH and I went to Swag's (my favorite LRS) and visited the Brooks Run Happy Tour. The Arcade of Oddities was twisted and fun, featuring concept shoes like my favorite, the running dress shoe!

This morning's run was in the rain and it was a feel-good run! I'm not feeling too uncomfortable as far as bouncing or stability is concerned, but I do get round ligament pain around halfway into the run. It's manageable but uncomfortable. The good thing is that it does go away relatively quickly after I stretch out and rest.

My pregnant running goal is still to keep this thing going as long as possible. I'm running conservatively to make sure that I CAN continue. I sure hope the Little Boy enjoys it! :)